Guido tried to continue for the next few years.
He searched for a caring corporation like Nissan to get the
campaign back in the schools and on the track. Guido quickly
learned that political correctness within corporate America made
it almost impossible for a company to support a campaign that's against the gateway drugs, alcohol and tobacco, even though he
targets elementary school children. He also found that the
government supported campaigns were run by "experts"
that continued to say, "This is cute what you're doing,
but, let the experts take care of the problem."
Now, fast forward 15 years and
let's see where we are. The government has successfully spent
hundreds of millions of dollars, campaigns have come and gone,
"experts" have moved on to other jobs, and kids are
still drinking and smoking as early as elementary school.
Why God Save The Clown? When
it comes to drug prevention programs, our country has failed. So, it
seems that only a higher power could bring back The World's
Fastest Clown. Of course that is figurative only, and Guido
is offering a chance to create a nationwide campaign that
children can grow up with and choose to be drug free.
"Everybody else had their chance. They spent a lot of money and
a lot of time, and didn't make much, if any, difference. I would
like a turn
to show how it's done at a fraction of the cost of any of the
past national campaigns." states Guido.
Guido spent 4 years and over
4,000 hours building a car (Minissan) that would bring him international coverage to get this website out to the
public. |
To see and learn more about The World's Fastest Clown, go
to his website that was designed towards tobacco prevention.
You can also watch his promotional video on You
Tube (watch in high quality). If you know of a better national elementary school drug prevention
campaign, get behind it, if you don't, get behind The World's
Fastest Clown. Contact Mike Guido at
if you would like to help bring this campaign back to the kids. If
you're sponsoring a race team that only gets big media coverage when
they crash, or if TV viewers only get a glimpse of them when they get lapped, you deserve more,
team up with the most colorful driver in motorsports, The
World's Fastest Clown! Prevention
is elementary, not secondary. |